05 January 2024

He Probably Should Have Done It Sooner

Wayne LaPierre has resigned, as I am sure everyone reading here already knows.

He's a wonderful example of "you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain."

I met him once at a book signing, still have the signed copy around here someplace.

I wonder if we're going to be able to get the NRA back under the membership's control with him out the way; or if the court case is going to nuke it from orbit.


  1. I get the feeling he bailed before the hammer came down and the bankruptcy courts tried to get blood out of his turnip.

    I also get the feeling that the NRA is pretty much dead in the water. Even if it survives bankruptcy, the way it treated the membership over the last 20 years (I were one) has turned it into quite a pariah. Especially the way it selflessly through actual gun rights away in order to pander to its deep base and Wayne's wardrobe.

  2. A step in the right direction. Now cut the board down by 2/3 and get rid of The Friends of Wayne faction. Then I'll re-join.


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