24 January 2024


If you really did spend $2,500 on a t-shirt and dockers; you are a fucking moron.

5.11 stuff is nice, but it ain't that fucking nice.


  1. I have only two 5,11 Tactical products. One a 'packable' windbreaker (stores in own pocket - big whoop !) and the other is a chest mounted pack. Handy and useful, but both costly if purchased in store. The jacket was picked up in a Good Will store. The chest pack during Christmas sale. No way would I pay full price - I'd find another alternative.


  2. Could be worse, could be fake 'right wing fanatics' wearing pants that are only sold to law enforcement...

  3. WTAF? I could see some fancy designer label stuff from a Fifth Avenue store costing that much but 5.11 pants and a shirt from their web site leaves change out of $200. Is this some sort of super fancy not for retail sale gear or government contract price gouging?


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