26 January 2024

Lethal ≠ Toxic

They snuffed a murderer with nitrogen gas yesterday.

The media is, almost uniformly, calling nitrogen toxic.

But it isn't.

You're almost certainly breathing it right now!  I say almost certainly because there might be readers who work in places that use a pure oxygen atmosphere or a helium mix.

Toxic is poisonous.  Nitrogen isn't poison.  Again, 2/3 of what you're breathing right now is nitrogen.

Our murderer died from a lack of oxygen.  It's what hypoxia means.

It's not even that something changes about nitrogen if the concentration increases.

He'd have still died if we'd replaced the oxygen with helium and left the concentration of nitrogen alone.

It's the lack of oxygen.

We don't call water toxic when someone drowns, for example.


  1. I don't get why they can't give a strong enough dose of something like Fentanyl to put someone out before switching their breathing to pure nitrogen. There'd be pretty much no way to claim they were feeling any pain then. Some of these crazy things influenced by libtard politics just seem like there are so many really obvious solutions. But of course the libtards don't want to consider such things, they want to coddle criminals.

  2. Given that the US .gov has just announced the sale of the "US National Helium Reserve", replacing that O2 with He2 may soon no longer be an option.

    Removing the O2 from the air that a condemned person breathes seems to be a long-winded (I apologise) alternative to simply adding Pb to the brain pan..

  3. I, too, yelled at the radio when they said toxic....


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