02 January 2024

Forgotten Weapon


OG Twilight: 2000 had the H&K CAWS.

In the original game it used standard shotgun ammo.

The CAWS program was long dead before the year 2000, it was dead before the Soviet Union went tits up and the Berlin Wall fell.

So I never included it in my GURPS conversion.


I've done some easy research and developed GURPS stats for it.

18.5x76mmB is the all brass round.  It will not fit in a normal 12ga shotgun.

However, it will accept normal 12ga ammunition.

There are three rounds in 18.5x76mmB, 000 Buck, tungsten pellets and flechettes.

The "full auto" rate of fire is a mere 4 shots per round, barely better than a semi-auto shotgun's 3.

The tungsten pellets hit pretty hard, 2d+2 pi, but they don't quite go as far as normal shotgun rounds.  Just 35/675 with an NP of 8.  000 does the normal 1d+2 pi out to 50/900, NP 8.  The flechettes are fun, NP 20 doing  1d+1 pi-, but getting 80/950 for range.

NP is the number after the RoF 4x, so 4x20 for the flechettes and 80 shots on the RoF table for a +6 to hit!  Bwahahahahaha!

Normal 12ga ammunition uses the same damage and range stats as the lowly Remington 870 you can find in High-Tech.

I'm still debating if I should include it.  What's the hive think?


  1. Why add it? 870 rules cover it. That and how many of your Player Characters will ever have one? Plenty of complexity and rules in GURPS already.

    BTW I'd say Happy New Year but I'll go with don't camp downwind of the dumpster fire of 2024.

  2. I'd say include it, since you've already done the work and it was in the original.

  3. I've never seen that one before ! It looks almost like a prototype, as if they haven't decided what the final stock will look like and just wanted to function test it. The sight rail design sort of reminds of that French sub machine gun FAMAS (?). Thank you for the photo of it.


  4. No real reason not to include it, with the caveat that it is probably rare enough to be near unobtanium. Something more common at least these days is the Saiga 12. AK style action, box (or drum) magazine fed. But not a bull pup, although maybe someone makes a conversion for it. I've not seen them (or looked) but there is a lot of 3rd party stuff for the Saigas even though they are now kind of unobtanium themselves due to embargos on Russian made hardware.

    1. The OGT2K scarcity code was C/R. C/R means common among NATO and rare among Warsaw Pact.

      If the CAWS program had lived past 1989 it might have become a common issue item by 1997.

      AK based shotguns probably don't happen in T2K because they're a strange mutant creation of US import laws and companies that made AK's looking for a product to sell here.


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