28 January 2024

I Only Need One Kidney

A legit BM-59?  Not a parts kit?

I am so fucking in.

Just need to sell a couple kidneys, liver and all my blood.

You only need one liver, right?

Though it looks like their BM-59 is missing the grenade sight and the bipod.  Deal breakers.  Just like not including the stripper clip guide...  I'm looking at you James River Armory.


  1. Would a Schuffs Mini-G be close enough to satisfy that itch ?


    Not magazine fed, but that has it's advantages.


  2. Check price/availability of magazines first? Benelli B76 are nice too.

    1. One would hope that new guns would mean new magazines become available at less than vintage collectable prices.

  3. I saw them at SHOT. I was underwhelmed by the quality, but am still hopeful. In particular, I'd love to get one of the PM-12 semis. While they have no foregrip or folding stock, there is clearly a place for both, making SBR easy.
    i suspect the lack of grenade launcher is to make US import easier - I have heard several people (some at SHOT, some elsewhere) talk about the difficulties of importing guns and parts kits right now, to the point that some manufacturers are purposely holding off until next year or not even trying to bring stuff in.


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