03 October 2018

Sense Of Dread And Excitement

Friday is the day that the CMP is supposed to start generating random numbers from the orders received.

I still don't have the $1,050 for the best grade, should it be available.  I don't even have the $850 for the next grade down.

Coming up with the money will probably pay off, it's just going to suck the big one.


  1. Replies
    1. Checking the tags at the bottom often fills in the blanks for some of these.

  2. Hey Angus;

    When I got my Garand from the CMP, the prices were much higher than the website indicated. It is highly possible the "holy Grails" will cost more than you expect. Just allow for the sticker shock.

    1. Can you itemize how they increased the prices?


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