04 October 2018

Welcome To Florida

I am bitterly amused by national pro-gun people's headlines bemoaning California raising the age to own a gun to 21.  Freaking because Trump has repeated what he said about banning bump-stocks after Vegas...

Yeah, where were you when both of those things happened to Florida?

I know, you didn't care.


  1. I was afraid when Bloomberg tried to buy Maine, that the people of a small, rural state with very permissive gun laws might not believe that New York gun laws were sitting at their doorstop.

    Thankfully that didn't happen.

    I wonder if that is why it happens with such ease in Florida...at least to the American part of the state, the other part is from Yankee-land where these gun laws are born.

    1. After watching the sausage being made and looking up their bios it's because too many of our congress creatures are from Damnyankee gun control states.

      My state rep really doesn't understand that she enthusiastically helped passed gun control. She's bought the line that some other reps published that it wasn't because they said so.


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