12 September 2020

Good News From The 11th Circuit

 Felons really do have to complete their entire sentence before their voting rights are restored in Florida. 

They also underlined the idea that states have the constitutionally guaranteed right to determine their own processes for deciding who gets to vote.


 The article has a quote mentioning that Amendment 4 was passed by 65% of the vote.

I'd like to point out that the wording on the ballot was deceptive AND the legislature passed several bills concerning being deceptive in the wording on future ballot amendments.


  1. Beans left a great comment on this post... in a different post...



    I typed it. TWICE! One Blogger ate, typing away and suddenly 'bloop' the comment went away.

    Both were typed under this blog entry.

    What demons have infested Blogger, that these actions occurred. Cursed, cursed I say!


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