21 September 2020

You'd Think There'd Have Been An Orientation

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, says that she will use impeachment to block President Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

I am constantly astonished at the lack of civics knowledge in our elected officials, since it's those self-same civics which gets them elected.

But I will citizensplain it to Nance.

The president nominates candidates for the Supreme Court.

The Senate votes to accept or reject that candidate.

At no time does it go to The House.

But, let's say that Nancy wishes to impeach the President for doing something which he's required to do by The Constitution.

The candidate is not invalidated by impeachment.  The Senate may choose to reject the nominee, but there's nothing which demands they do if the President who nominated them is impeached.

This is all covered in a very basic civics class.

Again, Democrats, nothing you use to snag or keep power will be off limits in the future.

You're treading dangerous ground here.

I'll give you another scenario.

A Democrat, like Obama, gets elected when Republicans control both houses of Congress.  They decide to impeach and convict for shallow and partisan reasons.

It's all perfectly legal.  The Constitution was written by people who believed in a bit of honor and integrity.  When you chuck the integrity, and weaponize the civics, you don't get your way, you get chaos.

Chaos doesn't lead to any desirable outcomes and often bites those trying to direct it hardest.


  1. I think the idea is that the house Dems put together articles of impeachment rapidly and send that to the Senate. Now that it is in the Senate the impeachment has to be taken up as a higher priority than the confirmation.

    Once the impeachment trial starts, the Dems use every delay tactic they can. It isn't about removing Trump, it is about letting keeping the Senate from voting on the nomination till after the Dems get more votes in the Senate.

    I'm not sure what happens if there is a nomination before the Senate when the president leaves office.

    1. 'Tain't nothin' in the Constitution what says the Senate has to drop anything to get on with the trial. Just like there's no mention that the House must immediately send their articles of impeachment to the Senate.

      Cocaine Mitch is pissed off enough about the last time, I can see him saying; "let's wait until the election. The people deserve a voice..."


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