19 January 2023


Alec Baldwin, firearms expert, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter for breaking all four rules of gun safety.

The person hired to be the on-set firearms expert, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was likewise charged.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Both of them really f'd up... so it is not surprising that even in CA they are getting charged. Of course it ain't over until the appeals are done... so get the popcorn ready.

    1. They're being charged in NM, where the incident actually occurred, and thus the only place with legal jurisdiction, not CA.

    2. Yeah, that explains it... No doubt if it was CA they'd be getting off with nothing... Well, at least Baldwin probably would, they might hang the young lady out to dry because she's a nobody.

  3. It's certainly a shame to see Thell Reeds daughter in this situation but, I suppose, hanging out with Alex Baldwin could have turned out a lot worse.


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