04 January 2023

Yeah There Should Have Been Some Evidence

Erin messaged me asking if anyone writing for Traveller had ever addressed the Fermi Paradox.

I answered that the Marc Miller and Loren K Wiseman likely would have said, "Fermi who?" when they were putting out little black books.

By the time anyone else asked the question, the universe had been established.

There are a lot of advanced alien civilizations in Traveller.

Most especially the Vegans whose home world is a mere 12 parsecs away.

Not advanced enough to make major race, but they'd had jump drives for 3,700 years by the time Fermi started wondering why it was so quiet out there.

Never mind the minor race of Humaniti, the Geonee, who gave away the secret of the jump drive to them.

There there's the Vilani themselves with a base at Barnard's Star for at least as long as we'd been pointing radio telescopes outward.

SETI should have picked up SOMETHING.


  1. SETI is/was not listening across all electromagnetic spectrums. So if any of those civilizations were broadcasting not in the very narrow spectrum then nobody would have heard it.

  2. Any intelligent race that wants to make contact would most likely broadcast on 1420 MHz - the frequency of hydrogen in the universe. This would be a constant anywhere in the universe so would be used to transmit/listen for any advanced civilizations out there.


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