15 January 2023

I Don't Understand

I had never actually watched Taxi Driver.

It's supposed to be such an outstanding film.

I made it an hour in before I got too tired to keep going and I've still got to finish...

But this thing sucks.

I'm not seeing why film critics goop themselves over this.

53 minutes to go.

At least with The Godfather I could see why it was a good film, even if everything it'd pioneered had been used in films made long after it; but that I'd seen before I saw The Godfather.


  1. Saw it, also thought it sucked. Makes sense that only a crazy person (shooter of Reagan) would like the movie and watch it over and over and over.

    It's a typical art flick. Made to make critics happy and win awards at film festivals. Has nothing to do with watchability.

  2. Ha! I thought I was the only one who thought Taxi Driver was a mass of garbage.

  3. It depicted Vietnam war vets as homicidal lunatics who should all be put to sleep so the usual suspects cheered.


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