13 January 2023


The Lovely Harvey's recovery is proceeding well, and her targets are reflecting the scales of rust falling away.

She finally found a stance where she was comfortable.

 These are much tighter than even last week.

She's still got some numbness in her shooting hand and there's still some swelling that hasn't subsided, so she often cannot feel exactly what she's doing.

But she improves every time we go to the range!

On the reliability side, her 2.0 Compact only had one stoppage that was cured by slapping the back of the slide.  I saw her shift her grip just as it happened, so... limp wrist.  She noticed what she'd done to get the stoppage and stopped doing it.

60 some rounds with just one user induced jam?  I think we're broke in.


60 some rounds is also a record for Harvey and her endurance is getting better each trip as well.

On my side of the lane...

The P320 with the Wilson-Combat grip module is far more comfortable to shoot than the X style it came with.  To the point that I'm starting to figure out the point of aim that gets the bullet where I want it.

I heartily recommend this modification to the P320.

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