11 January 2023

I'm Totally Bitter

The deceased has been named in the Houston taqueria shooting.

Some of his criminal history has been detailed.

Out on parole, he was arrested for beating on his baby-momma...

And released on his own recognizance...


Whereas, me, with no criminal history at all:

Had to beg for bail money so that I could be released with a no-contact order and come up with additional money to fund a lawyer to work at getting the charges dropped.


They let a convicted felon on parole out with a promise to not break the law again...

But they lock my ass up and treat me like I was a convict already until my friends coughed up the funds to get a lawyer on my side?

No.  I am totally bitter about this.

Fuck that corpse.

I am happy he's dead.  He deserved it.

Wanna know what would help?

Not letting killers plead down to assault and/or letting them out when they've served half their time.

If they had not let him plead down, he'd have been on death row.  But the hero of the taqueria would not have had to be subjected to the stupid legal system.

If he'd had to serve his entire sentence, he'd still be alive in jail.

I am getting ever so sick of a legal system that is entirely about protecting the rights of criminals at the expense of the innocent citizen and the people victimized by the criminals using that system to further their behavior.


  1. it's Houston...Soros DA... why I was saying I wouldn't want to trust my life to a grand jury there...tx is 5 years from being purple and 10 from being blue... panzer guy

  2. Release On Own Recognizance makes sense if the released only commits violence on fellow Bad Guys. Good Guys are not on the tag so a big no on that.

    I agree that extra time should be automatic if a murder is committed. At least an extra 20 years, minimum. They want to plead down to murder, fine. But they will serve 20 years plus a day automatic, no good behavior reductions.

    Ridiculous judiciary decisions, I will agree.


  3. What Anon at 5:05 said. Houston, which went libtard after all the Katrina refugees showed up.

    Also, what Anon said about the Soros DA. Expect the armed citizen to get charged within 3 months, once the main story dies down. Civil lawsuits against the armed citizen will also follow, along with civil lawsuits against the restaurant.

    1. i think houston was libtard before that but the 100,000 + katrina holdovers that never left took libtardia to another level...panzer guy...

  4. What Governor Abbott ought to do is issue a blanket pardon and amnesty against prosecution and lawsuits to the armed citizen, if he can.


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