07 January 2023

What Good Can Come Of It

In Houston a robber got deaded by a customer at a taqueria.

Apparently, after the shoot, everyone just left.

Including the hero who saved the taxpayers a lot of money finding, convicting and caring for the deceased criminal.  Probably saving society from years of criminal activity in the bargain.

Well, the cops wanna have a chat with the hero of the day.

I'm sitting here wondering what good can come of talking to the cops?

I suspect that they want to arrest the shooter because they spotted some subtle violation of the self defence rules which are only clear when watching the situation from a different angle than the shooter and while safe in a climate controlled office building.

Because, Gods forbid, that someone who clears the gene pool of the kind of filth that robs a restaurant and its patrons should be spared the process-is-the-punishment criminal charges from shooting such scum.

I will not be shocked to find that the deceased has a long history of arrests and not terribly arduous jail sentences.

Which begs the question:

What good is the criminal justice system if it barely slows down such scum?

We do know that the deceased will never rob anyone ever again.

Can the cops make such a promise?

Even more germane; will punishing the shooter prevent future robberies of taquerias?


  1. This is Houston, so the cops will do what they can to punish the shooter, not as bad as big cities in the North, but still a pain...
    At this point, I'm sure they will at the very least charge him with some variation of leaving the scene of a crime - if I were him, I wouldn't talk to them.

  2. I have to agree. If nothing else, they will probably arrest the hero for not sticking around so they could do their paperwork. You can't do something that would interfere with the man's system. Might threaten the perception of the need for Police if other people start doing their work for them. Now, in most parts of Texas the hero probably wouldn't have much to worry about, but Houston is one of the few large metro areas that is controlled by libtards. In those places things are upside down and criminals have more rights than honest, hard working and generally law abiding citizens.

  3. not sure where i sit on this...i agree with everything you said but at the same time, he didn't do anything wrong, he should show up with an attorney at the least...otherwise, being libtardia houston, they might charge him with stupid shit...panzer guy...

    1. The're already going to do that. The usual libtard loudmouths in Houston are already calling for him to be charged with all kinds of things. They're claiming because it was a fake gun the guy didn't deserve to be shot, that the hero fired too many times, that he left the scene without attempting to render aid... a lot of things I'm not even sure are actually illegal in general or in Texas in particular... But even if it is just to punish the guy by making him incur massive legal fees, the Houston libtards will definitely find a way to crucify him.

  4. What they should do is find the shooter and give him a reward.

    Maybe the guy split because he's a forbidden one.

    1. Possibly. More likely he knew it was likely he was going to get charged with something due to the politics of the area. Unfortunately for this guy... both he and the truck he was driving will be easy to identify. I would never turn in someone like this, but you can bet someone will. He's going to get persecuted and prosecuted and probably railroaded. Even if he beats the trumped up charges he will be bankrupted by the costs to defend himself. You know if for no other reason he's going to get the book thrown at him is he's public enemy #1... a white (or at least white-isgh) middle aged guy. And you know people like that are the "biggest threat to democracy". He'll most likely be painted by the government libtards and the media as a "white nationalist" or KKK or a neo-Nazi vigilante or worse.

  5. Remember what happened to Bernie Goetz!

  6. finally the full video...after watching this, not sure how a grand jury might view this... https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1611824003932475392?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1611824003932475392%7Ctwgr%5E62876cb1ef9ac15f98f65616e613a8dfd9fac8df%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftheferalirishman.blogspot.com%2F2023%2F01%2Fthis-shitbag-takedown-is-gonna-be-in.html panzer guy...

    1. The problem with the second guess after the fact from safety is that it's a lot more concerned about HOW someone defended themselves and a barely concerned with WHY they did it; this clouds the question that should be asked.

      Have we reached the, "use deadly force threshold?"

      Once that's answered in the affirmative then I don't care if the deceased gets an anchor shot or ten. I don't even care if you pop him in the back.

      Because the deceased is someone going around forcing people to ask, "Have I crossed the threshold where I need to use deadly force?" Once you're past that point then let the assisted suicide proceed until the deceased is being judged by whatever afterlife there might be.

  7. Rittenhouse was lucky he had a good jury... not sure I would want a jury in Houston holding my life in their hands...I don't think this guy did anything wrong... it's the optics that look bad... it shouldn't matter bad guy had a fake gun but you know the bleeding heart left is going to make it matter... and I'm sure racism will come up also...panzer guy

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