08 January 2023

Lather Rinse Repeat

The Wilson-Combat grip module has absolutely zero effect on the GURPS stats.

This is not the first time a mod to a gun that I feel had a huge effect on how I feel about it doesn't show up in a system where π = 3.00.

Where this might matter a great deal is in the Weapon Bond perk.  It's only a +1, but...


John Crichton would completely understand.


  1. Does GURPS have a modifier for adjustable or custom fitted ergonomics? An adjustable chassis should offer improved accuracy over a mass production fixed stock as would custom fitted grips like Olympic target pistols. If not, should GURPS have a weapon fitting modifier, or is Weapon Bond the modifier?

    1. Weapon Bond is an affinity with a particular weapon giving the user a +1 with that weapon only.

      There's cost to the weapon modifiers (fine: accurate and very fine: accurate) with reduce malfunctions and increase the accuracy. They double and pentuple the price of the weapon. I think that an Olympic target gun would be a very fine accurate gun and have the +2 accuracy built into the stats.

      I can't find it, but I think there's a "fitted" modifier for an additional +1 to the skill of the user it's fitted to. Kind of like a mechanical version of weapon bond.


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