25 January 2023

That's A Flashback

I cannot remember if it was Technomad or Gerber who always had one of these novels, but I was recently reminded of the series on Facebook.

The Barry Sadler series, Casca.

I never read any of them because I have a policy of not reading any series with more than 3-books that someone is still publishing if I had not already read the first couple books.

Especially a series that spans decades.

Too often the cliffhanger is never resolved in the most recent book and the author is long dead.  Worse, the author is long dead and the books keep coming!  Like Casca!

It's an interesting premise, but I can see it wearing thin.  Like Forrest Gump's amazing ability to be at every major historical event and meeting every memorable historical figure...


  1. They were very good. Did not get stale from what I remember. And the characters are people you can believe in, hate, like, love, despise, happy when they die, you know, good characters.

    Much better writing than The Destroyer series (Remo Williams et al) though they're decent in their own way, just suspend belief in reality. (Halfway decent series, crappy crappy movie.)

  2. Both of those guys were/are voracious readers. Gerb was rarely seen without at least a couple paperbacks in the ratty backpacks he carried. Damn. I miss that guy. RIP Gerb.

  3. That was Gerber. He tried to get me interested in the series, but I never got around to it. I miss him a lot.

  4. Forest had an inside track: Winston Groom was poking fun at every "it" cause and fad, particularly those from the Leftarded end of the spectrum, and lighting it on fire, and he got the Hollywood Left to contribute the wood and gasoline. It was glorious.


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