13 January 2023

Not Quite The Same

NeoOffice, OpenOffice and LibreOffice are not quite the same.

There's something in my Twilight: 2000 to GURPS odt that doesn't work in OpenOffice or LibreOffice and I'm not sure what.

As I transition away from the Mac, I have to solve that!

It might be as irritatingly simple as retyping it.

I guess I typed it all up once, huh?


  1. haven't used the first two only libre... I think the last ms office I owned was 2000... using libre since...panzer guy

  2. Is saving documents in Rich Text Format still a thing?

  3. before retyping it, try putting it in google office, it might fix the issue...it works pretty well for most stuff...panzer guy

  4. If you can install both source and target software on the same box, then a simple cut and paste should be easy.

  5. Cut text, save to text file, open text file in other software?


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