04 May 2024

$215 RDIAS

US vs Kittson is starting in the 9th Circus.

Prolly going nowhere, but it'd be kinda neat if SCOTUS got it and nuked the Hughes Amendment.

Quote from where I found it:

A guy with a felony for attempted murder and manslaughter tried to sell a PPSh-41 to the ATF, and is now appealing to the most liberal circuit in the US.  So this is going to go nowhere.

Since the entire NFA hinges on the conceit that it's legal under Congress' taxing power, refusing to accept the payment of the tax on MG's means they can't ban them.

So they're left with accepting taxes to keep them restricted or seeing them become the same as any other firearm.

With Bruen floating around out there, this could be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Where in the world did he find a PPSh? Korean or Vietnam War trophy?


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