28 May 2024

A Smaller Change

Dettelbach keeps pounding on the idea that someone needs to be an FFL to sell a gun and justifying by pounding on private sales not going through background checks.

There have been many proposals for background checks that would allow us unwashed non-licensees to check to see if we're selling a gun to someone who's on a verboten list.

Nearly all of these proposals, likewise, don't do anything to create a registry of guns or gun owners.

Not one of these proposals ever gets past committee, in fact they rarely get to committee.

Why would that be?

Because the reasons for background checks are lies.

These proposals show they are lies when someone tries to get them through a legislature to make them law.  The lies are so big, these proposals die before they're submitted to committees.

The entire point of a background check is to create a RECORD of a firearm sale.  A record that contains the name of the seller, buyer and the firearm being sold.

These proposals don't make such a record.  These proposals will address the false reasons they claim they want background checks.

That they kill them rather than consider them says all that needs be said.

They never even bring up that background checks are a violation of all manner of our rights in the first place.  Privacy being foremost.

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