26 May 2024

Road Trip

Joined up with a buddy in Orlando today to look at Lego and grab dinner.  Got some store credit for trading in a rare minifig that doesn't match the tone of my collection.

243.1 miles, 4 hours 40 minutes driving, 23.8 mpg indicated.

I am not unhappy!

I'm OK with it.

The car is a cruiser now that the rims and tires are sorted out.

Set the cruise, dial up the tunes, chill.

The only problem is the people who see that spotlight and match speeds in my blindspot.

PS: I am glad I put a good coat of wax on The Beast the other day, it made scraping off all the bugs on the bumper that much easier.


  1. In a few years people will become desensitized to your PPV like most people are here now to Crown Vics. While they used to be the ubiquitous "cop car", no local agency around here is using them anymore. The closest thing are the shopping center security people who still have a few. I would imagine they don't put near the miled on them so they can keep them going. Most agencies around here replace cars as they approach a certain mileage or 10 years old. The last Crown Vics were 2012 and the last "Police Intercepter" 2011, so they're all past that. The PPV was produced a few more years but it won't be long until they are more or less all aged out of most agencies I would guess.

    Once people realize that there are no more that are LE vehicles they will no longer worry about blowing by them on the freeway anymore, at least if drivers there behave like those here.

    Oh... also I'm sure you've already considered that your color change plans could also aid in making it less likely to trigger speed maching behavior. White, black or a few other colors scream "cop car" more than some other choices.

  2. Aw damnit, I did it again... I really wish that blogspot remembered who I am since I am obviously slipping into dementia or something and can't seem to remember myself... I'd actually be more worried if my memory hadn't sucked for years.


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