14 May 2024


In the huge mess of "are you a dealer or not" that ATF just put out is a bit where keeping records of how much you paid for a gun is an indication of intent to profit from a future sale.

If you insure your guns, though, the insurance company is going to want to see how much you paid and track how much they are worth.

So anyone who insures their guns is a dealer?

Even more fun, Florida's statute to prevent government from making registration lists reads as if it bans individuals and companies from recording serial numbers on a spreadsheet.

Gotta love it!


  1. So,if I know what I paid for my house I'm an unlicensed real estate agent?

  2. What if I keep track of MSRP instread of actual cost? Also if I do know the cost, does that mean I can get an FFL even with zero sales and zero business hours and zero business location and no tax ID number?

  3. The upshot is they want to treat every gun owner as a dealer so they can violate us for having a gun. They've issued such a muddied definition as a chiller to us exercising our rights to do things not forbidden by law.

    By the way, selling guns, even with this stupid regulation, is WAY simpler than selling a house.

    I think we can make a strong case that they've created a catch 22 and made it impossible to do what we're supposed to be allowed to do with their refusal to issue FFL's unless gigantic hoops are jumped through.


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