05 May 2024

I Should Test It

According to the default stats, the saber is better at delivering impaling damage than a the pick.

I'm betting that pick punches armor way better than a thrust from the sword.

It's making me think that changing the damage from sw imp to sw (2) pi one-handed.

I need a plausible plate to test on.

My buddies, Ray or Mike used to snag us those heavy duty baking sheets from the places they worked.

We calculated them to be DR 3 or 4 back in the day.

1 comment:

  1. A saber is probably better at dealing impaling damage on a lightly armored (heavy clothing) opponent from a moving horse than a foot-carried pike. How well does saber do compared to lance?

    Foot-carried saber is probably easier to get a piercing moment than a 14' foot-carried pike against lightly armored opponents, but the foot-pike probably, once it hits its target, will do better at actual piercing on light to heavy opponents.


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