29 May 2024

Mad Dogs And Angus McThags

Work on cars in the midday sun.

Found the culprit that was causing the ABS, Stabilitrak and AWD to be disabled on Moxie.

RR speed sensor.  $19.

It's from an installation error I made when I'd replaced the wheel hub two and half years ago.

The wire was very tightly bunched up against the back of the grommet in the hub mounting flange and that, apparently, broke one of the wires inside the outer sheath.  There's a nice pinch in the sheath.


It's been an intermittent problem for about two years that seemed to be temperature related.

Now that I've seen the damage, I think it gets warm and pulls the wires apart far enough to lose contact.

On a really cold day, it wouldn't fail at all.

On a moderately cold day it would fail once the brakes had heated up the hub some.

All the while it'd "fix" itself and the warning lights would all go out.

Chasing the issue took more time than it should have because I'd get home on a cool day and it'd cool off just enough that the built in self test would say "GO" and I'd have no code to chase down the failure.  There's too many things to check to just pick a starting point and dig in.

Last couple of trips it's had the good manners to stay broken long enough to scan and get the C0050 code.

Right Rear speed sensor fault.  The internet agreed that the speed sensor is the #1 cause of that code, followed by a bad hub then the ABS controller then a bad wire.  Intermittent underscored #1 or #2 likelihood.

That the warning lights went out when I unplugged the still mounted old sensor and plugged in the new one was a good sign.

It's done and I'm very sweated through.

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