28 May 2024

Mostly In Jest

That bleg below, somewhat in jest.

It's probable that I could come up with $1,000 for the trip on my own.

If this blog was a paying gig, I'd do so.

But since I selected to pay the bills and keep the cars and house in good repair...

Not to mention doing normal "keep Thag sane" activities...

There's no spare fund to let me go and report on things that would probably interest you to read about.

Note that.


Something you can do at your own pace rather than a video dragging you at their pace, whether fast or slow.

And except for the occasional bleg, there's no ads at the Abode of McThag.

So, while it'd be fun to go, I'm not too serious about it.

If all y'all put up the funding, though, I will GET serious about it.

If not, we'll "struggle" by with our normal content.

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