10 May 2024

7d Furious

7d pi is 7d pi.

I'm still not seeing the advantage of .277 Fury over .308 Win.

And I say this as someone who likes .270 Win.

My choice of .270 had a lot more to do with it remaining in stock when thirty caliber rounds became unobtanium and my uncle's endless debates over .270 v .280 v .30-06 than any tangible advantage in range or penetration.


  1. I went the .30-06 Spr route, and thus .30 cal on many others because it is where I went first and because I like military rurplus stuff and for US that means mostly .30 cal. Of course I also have a ton of other stuff... Russian, English, Japanese which are slightly larger than .308. 8mm, the two German varieties and also the Austro-Hungarian. And a ton of others... I've got lots of oddball and "hand load only" stuff that requires special ordering, hand forming brass, casting or sizng bullets, etc...

    As for better? Meh... I dunno. So many of these things even things that you'd consider a sub-optimal choice for a given application will git-r-done with the right finger on the trigger.

  2. Oh... one thing I should add... While I have a ton of oddball stuff on the milsurp or obsolete side, I've much less often ventured into "wildcat" sort of territory or into new and fashionable cartridges. The .300 Blackout being one of the few there that I've adopted. That one largely because it fills a certain niche in the AR world.

    1. .300 Blackout is mainstream now.

      I still like 6.8x43mm SPCII, but it failed against the juggernaut of .300.


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