17 May 2024

I Don't Even Subscribe

The star of the most recent iteration of Doctor Who tells us that we should shut off our TVs if we don't like him.

I am uncertain I can shut him off.

I don't think I am a subscriber to any streaming service that carries Dr Who.

I remember watching, and enjoying, the Tom Baker era.

I was fine with the next doctor, Peter Davidson and watched a spattering of his replacement, Colin Baker.

The next I heard about the show was when Christopher Eccleston took on the role.  I still didn't watch more than a couple episodes.

I think I'd grown past the premise.

I hear I missed some good stuff with David Tennant, but...

I'd grown past the premise.

It no longer appealed to me.

I had a couple of friends who enjoyed it and I tried mightily to let them.  I think I succeeded.

You don't need me to enjoy something to enjoy it yourself.  I don't need to you to not enjoy it if I don't.

I do worry that while explaining why I didn't care for it any more, I shit on the person enjoying it.  But I can't ask because they ejected from the friendship over my refusal to take proven liars word that catastrophicanthropogenicglobalclimatechange was absolutely real.


Ncuti Gatwa is telling people to not watch if we don't like him.

Well, I wasn't planning on watching and I don't give two shits about him.

But he probably should have kept his trap shut.

I didn't bother with the live action version of Cowboy Bebop because the actors wouldn't shut up.

There's other examples of this shit that escape me, but it's recurring.

I will view your story and rate it against itself, but if you want to prejudice me by calling me a bigot before I can watch it...  well it's you not me.


  1. Watched it off and on as a kid during the Tom Baker era, whatever the Chicago PBS station picked up... I liked a lot of the first several Doctors in the modern era. Mr. Tennant and Mr. Smith were quite good and the older Scot (Peter Capaldi) was good, could tell he enjoyed playing the Doctor and they wrote decent stories... After that, it got super preachy and all about the message/DIE silliness... Watched a few, but when they stopped telling good stories and focussed on preaching... Well, I stopped. Shame, it was pretty good stuff overall for a while, but...

  2. The Matt Smith episode dealing with Vincent Van Gogh was excellent, as were most of Smith's run. The freaking weeping angels were actually somewhat scary, and I liked his side kick Amy Pond and her eternal boyfriend.

    But I refuse to watch something someone tells me I'm too repulsive in my beliefs to watch.

    Which is why I watched season 1 of Reacher on Amazon and by the time I was getting around to watching season 2 the main actor had shot his mouth off telling me that I wasn't welcome in my own country due to various things like skin color and who I like to vote for and what secret eternal power I believe hovers over us.

    Screw them.

    Coincidentally, it's why I can't make it through most PBS programming or National Geographic Channel stuff. Push an agenda that goes contrary to my way of life and way of thinking even when said agenda has been proven wrong, eh, I have a vast catalog of shows and movies I can watch over and over.

  3. We can live without Dr Who, the show cannot live without viewers. The dancing monkeys forget who pays them. I stuck it out longer than you, I endured the declining writing of Capaldi's tenure and only called it quits with Jodie Whittaker’s 1st episode with anti knife PSA. A female Doctor was acceptable, preachy garbage tier scripts weren't. Saying X will hate it is a good sign of a script more concerned with political bullet points than storytelling.
    I have been watching 1960s Doctor Who lately

  4. I learned to like the Tom Baker Dr. Who when I watched it in the EM Club on Homeport in the mid 80's .
    I like the first three of the New Who, but pretty much tuned out when the Italian Dr. came up and never even thought about watching with the chick.
    I liked Billie Piper as the 1st New companion and Amy and Rorey (as the parents of River Song).
    The creepiest monster was the Weeping Angels IMO.- You'll never look at an old statue the same way again.


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