15 May 2024


I kinda wanna extend the TL project out to speculative TL from historical.

The problem is a dearth of worlds, though I could do TL9 and TL10 in just Transhuman Space.

Just like I ask the players, what do you want to do?

What do I want to do?

I've contemplated a Me for the world.

It presumes me getting rich, somehow, and surviving long enough to do the ghost thing and move into a robot body.

There are "waves" to the technological shocks in setting.

First Wave - labor-intensive agriculture.
Second Wave - industrial manufacturing.
Third Wave - digital computers and networks.
Fourth Wave - genetic engineering and biotechnology.
Fifth Wave - artificial sapience and nanotechnology.

It might help me understand the setting better if I made one each a character from the three waves.  3rd Wave is TL8 and near future.  4th Wave is TL9.  5th Wave is TL10 and set in the year 2100.  5th Wave is also the main setting.

It might even be interesting to make Me in each wave, documenting how I change.

That might be the way to do it.

It's a very interesting setting that I'm not very sure I'd wanna GM or play in because there's a lot there and I disagree with some of the decisions made by the authors about how things should be.  Though, there's a chance that they could be.

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