13 May 2024

I Have A Wrench

I originally statted a 40mm combination wrench for an Interstellar Wars character.

4 lb., swing +2 cr Damage, Reach 1, Parry 0U, ST 12

I don't have a 40mm wrench myself.

My biggest combination wrench is a mere 32mm.

1.8 lb.  So, sw+1 cr Damage, Reach 1, Parry 0U, ST 8

I should probably reach for my 18" (450mm) pipe wrench if I need to bludgeon someone with a tool.


5.5 lb.  sw+2 cr Damage, Reach 1, Parry 0U, ST 12.  I think I'm a point short on ST for it, so -1 skill to my skill level of Axe/Mace; which is at default of DX-5.  I normally give myself a DX of 12, so my Axe/Mace skill is 7; 6 with the pipe wrench.

That's not very good at all.

With my normal ST of 11 I'd do 1d+2 cr with the combination wrench and 2d-1 cr with the pipe wrench.

1 comment:

  1. Biggest combination wrench I have is a 1 1/2" that was cut in two before I got it. 3.1 lbs., and a little over 20 inches long. If I'm grabbing something out of the tool box it would either be the 3' pry bar, 4.1 lbs, or the supposed to be 5 lb hammer (actually 4.8 lbs.) And Parry is the one where the bill flips straight up, right?
    Kevin Kirk


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