31 May 2024

Minifigus Rex

Captain Rex is one of my favorite characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

He's made appearances in Rebels and The Bad Batch as well.

More fun is the fans decided for LucasWorks that the old rebel soldier in Return of the Jedi is Rex too!  Look that fan theory up, it's kinda neat.

Lego has been very stingy with their depictions of Rex.  He's appeared in very few kits and all of them are expensive now.

But where there's a will, there's a way.

The Phase I and Phase II Rex's are aftermarket custom prints.  With BrickArms DC-17 blasters.  The next two are official Lego.  From the Rebel's Rex's AT-Te and the Endor Rebel battlepack.

Rex from Rebels is a $100 minifig.  I got him essentially for free because I had a much rarer minifig in my collection that I didn't want.  The first release of Jango Fett.

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