11 May 2024

The Culprit


That big sunspot about 3 o'clock is where the impressive aurora came from.

I am actually quite happy to see sunspots, even with coronal mass ejections, because that means that Russian astrophysicist was wrong and we're not going into a Meander Minimum this cycle, at least.

Though an active sun bringing warmer climates will give the globull warmerists more ammunition in their steadfast attempt to reduce us to being envious of Mycenaean technology.

1 comment:

  1. I learned some from FuzzyGeff during the eclipse and have since aquired a few more bits of gear that I wish I had last month. We've been under heavy cloud cover here the past several days but hopefully if we get some clear skies I can give the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer add-ons I've got as well as the spade mount DSLR adapter to 1-1/4" eyepeice adapter for my Coronodo PST (H-Alpha solar telescope). Geff's setup included an optional counterweight to increase the weight limit for the tracking device which I think should work better given the weight of the Coronado and a DSLR. I went ahead and ordered the counterweight add-on and also the DSLR to telescope adapter which allows use of different Plossl style eye peices. Well, I think it will work wih Huygens style eyepeices too.

    Sadly the forecast the next several days isn't great either.

    Anyway, thanks for posting the pic since it may be a while before I can look myself...

    Also thanks to FuzzyGeff for sending some good eclipse pics he took on a flash drive. I haven't had a chance to thank him yet, I've been laggard and need to rectify that.


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