19 May 2024

Subtle Changes

The Beast has seen changes since I got her.

Willard pointed out, that they weren't really obvious to him.

Well, to be honest, nothing really boldly changed the appearance.

The biggest appearance change is the rims.

Changing the door handles from black to white is more subtle.

Changing the blank covers to functional foglights is more subtle.

Putting a black paint-protector behind the door handles is more subtle.

This is kind of what happens when you're, overall, happy with how a car looks.

Harvey, eventually wants to have her painted blue.  We even have a couple of shades picked out to consider.  Paint is a while in the future.

The next thing on the schedule won't even show.  Getting the editing software to make changes to the driving experience.

After that, most likely, a fight over the mufflers.  Picking an exhaust note hearing unheard is a pain.

I know what I want, but don't know what gets that for this car.  The easy solutions are kind of expensive and appear to be much louder than we really want.

The harder solutions involve someone who knows what they're doing with a welder to cut out the old mufflers and welding in replacements.  This is because GM can't just have any straight sections of pipe going into and coming out of the muffler to let you use exhaust clamps to insert a muffler once the old one is cut away.  Never mind the hangers need to be moved as well.

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