11 May 2024

Questionably Legality

Solid brass turtle defense tool.  The spike is to crack their shell.

For a change, it's heavier than the Basic Set thinks they should be.  0.8 lb. measured against 0.25 lb. in the book.

This gives your punch with Brawling a +1 to damage.

The legality of brass knuckles is, typically, silly in Florida.

You can have them.

You cannot make them or sell them.

You cannot conceal carry them.

They are subject to local ordinances because they are not part of the state preemption on weapons.

They do count as concealed dangerous weapons.

They are not mentioned at all with regards to use as paper weights or meat tenderizers.

The combination weapon that's the M1918 trench knife is more legal for carry.  We're not talking about making sense, we're talking about the law here.

1 comment:

  1. The 2A counts towards all weapons. ALL WEAPONS. Any arms (which in the 18th century included armor) are legal under the 2nd Amendment. Brass, steel, iron, bronze, depleted uranium knuckles, knives of all varieties, maces and Mace and everything.

    I hate the 2A Fudds that only include their guns or most all guns and forget completely all the other weapons that exist out there.


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