23 May 2024

I Feel LIke A Car Guy Again

It truly is the little things.

The new rims are so much smoother than the old ones that I felt like I could hang with Marv's '96 Vette on a local twisty-turny road.

It was a spirited jaunt, not a balls out run.

I am also sure he could have left me in the dust whenever he wanted.

But it was fun!

The sport shift mode is alarming, though.

It does firmer shifts, which is good.

It also does some serious engine braking and holds in a lower gear to keep the RPM's up after such braking.  Not used to that.

But it does what it's supposed and lets me keep up with a casual Marv.

That I could make this little jaunt makes me feel good about the car and like a hot rodder again.

I also reconnected with the remnants of the old Impala SS club.

I was welcomed back!

Happy day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not at all surprised that you can feel the difference in unsprung weight.


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