28 May 2024

Top Men

Trump promised the Libertarian Convention, if elected, that he'd appoint a libertarian to his cabinet.


Put a libertarian in charge of BATFE.


Burn 35 minutes of your life watching the current apparatchik flailing under questioning.

1 comment:

  1. I listened to the whole thing. What a cock & bull session. Talking over one another, yelling, grandstanding, vague questions, elusive answers.
    The Chairman should have gotten on top of that, to at least restore decorum.

    I no longer believe these hearings are designed to rectify problems and reign in rogue actors. It was bad, an embarrassing display of government in action. Worse, such behavior is become common.

    As bad as it is, the very worst was the last clown saying our rights have been given to us by the Founders. He's a buffoon but with access to the levers of government.


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