08 May 2024

LA Police Murder Black Man With Tree

Darwin never sleeps.  Unlike this driver at a light.

113 on surface streets and thrown so far from the car he could have been charged with fleeing the scene.

I also note that Lambo's are better at felling trees than Corvettes.


  1. How did that buffoon manage to crash the car - that road looks dead straight (no pun intended).

    1. People driving cars too powerful for their skills on a straight road crash all the time. Usually it's while leaving a Cars & Coffee rather than fleeing from police.

    2. I killed The Precious on a straight road. I'm also a member of a class action suit against GM because it's likely that Stabilitrak's intervention with someone who knows how to recover from a fishtail or skid will end up with pilot induced oscillation. The less experienced driver will do nothing to recover and stand on the brakes, Stabilitrak does great with that reaction.

      We're waiting on the filings to meander.


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