12 May 2024


The left fog light had ceased to function, so I ordered new bulbs.

This is the bulb in question.

I'd ordered a set of LED bulbs to replace them, which arrived today.

They didn't want to fit in the capsules and I discovered why.  The melting bulbs had distorted the hole for the bulb from the heat!

Some light trimming later and I got the new bulbs in.

They're brighter!

Not yet melted all the way right side halogen bulb:

Spiffy new LED bulb:

Yes, you have to take off the wheels and pull back the fender liners to get at the bulbs.

A test drive to Marv's confirmed they're throwing a lot more light than the older bulbs.  I could drive with them if the headlights failed.



  1. I always thought vehicle engineers that placed high heat lamps in small enclosed plastic reflector/lens assemblies were idiots, but then they worked with what was available at the time. Can't count the number of melted sockets/reflectors and even lenses that I have removed and repaired. Of course now there is a new scourge, custom designed LED lamp assemblies that are NON REPAIRABLE, as in no socket for a new LED bulb, but all soldered to boards. Wanted brighter reverse lights on my '19 Tiguan, found out that this is not possible but VW will happily sell you a replacement (equally dim to original) for only $147.95 each. Grrrr. Now going to have to figure how to install under rear bumper modules and then fight with the body control bus which does not like to see any anomalies in current draw. Grrr times 2.

    1. Consider a hor air solder rework station to replace LEDs. I have a very nice YiHUA 959D unit which was not terribly expensive. I use a YiHUA 939D+ soldering station also. You may be able to find brighter LEDs and/or replace resistors or other components to increase brightness. It may also be possible to lay out a new PCB with software like KiCAD and change the layout or programming of your LEDs. PCBs can be fabbed at reasonable prices by companies like JLCPCB and PCBWay. A friend of mine makes custom units for C5, C6 and C7 Corvettes whick include cute little animations and stuff.


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