31 May 2024

Felon Voting

Normally when one mentions felony and voting, you're talking about letting a felon vote.

Now we're in new territory for me and considering voting FOR a felon.

Not that I think that Mr Trump's conviction is going to stand through the appeals process.  There was a lot of impropriety on display for the world in that trial.

To the point that Australia is demanding we stop impugning the good reputation of kangaroos and their justice system.

The big thing from this is how this will affect the generally more corrupt Democrat politicians.

You wanted railroaded show trials?

Two can play that game.


  1. I've commented before that this sort of shenanigans may well end up making Trump a martyr. And martyrs are very difficult to fight against---as Henry II could testify!

  2. Ackshuallieee, unless the trial is held in Australia, it's not a Kangaroo Court: at most, is can only be a Sparkling Trial.

    1. I believe that "sparkling drumhead" is the preferred term.

  3. I agree with Technomad. I've never been a big Trump fan. He was definitely the lesser evil and still is this time. Thanks for saving us from Shrillary, And I did really enjoy watching 4 years of libtard meltdowns. Especially since most of them were over knee jerk over-reactions to largely made up $#!+... "Literally Hitler".... Uh... whatever. Anyway, I think even a lot of people who are slightly to the left are now seeing the lengths that the far lefties are willing to go in order to beat Trump.

    Like shredding the judicial system. So much for the right being the "biggest threat to Democracy".

    Turns out Democrats are really the biggest threat to Democracy. I'm not at all surprised.


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