02 May 2024

Panic Mode

Right after Harvey and The Boy had finished putting away the groceries, we noticed that we could not find Shadow.

We scoured the house and came to the conclusion she'd slipped out when the door was open from the haul-in from the car.

Much despair was evident.

Since we'd originally found her in the back yard, we tried to be philosophical that she'd visited over several nights before we brought her in and she'd eventually figure out how to get back to the back door.

So we turned on hockey to distract us and we waited.

Three hours after we noticed she was missing, Harvey looks up and sees her between the curtains and the sliding glass door.

She'd been under Harvey's roll-top desk the entire time!

A place we didn't think to check because we didn't know there was enough space under the drawers for her to fit.

We're just happy to have figured out where she'd gone and that's she was safe all along.


  1. What? Didn't try opening a small can of mushy food and smacking said can with a fork? Always worked for me when we had cats.

    Glad you found Shadow. Cats are amazingly flexible and can flatten and squeeze themselves into places you wouldn't believe. As a prevention to cats hiding and also losing cat toys under furniture, we fitted all of our furniture with 'skirts' or blocks of wood in order to keep said cats from hiding themselves and things like keys.

    1. Thanks to the behavior of one of our other cats, Beeper, she does not come when a can is popped or the treats rattled. And she sleeps like she's dead, so often she doesn't hear us trying to get her attention.

      But now we know she can get under there and will look next time she disappears.

  2. Hi Angus!!, Now everyone..."Breathe!!!!!" skybill

  3. One of my cats somehow got into the coat closet when we had people over. We were similary paniced she had gotten loose. She made no noise at all until much later when I noticed a paw coming out from under the door.

  4. Glad you found her.
    It sucks when a pet goes missing.


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