21 May 2024

How To Knock 49 Pounds Off Your Car With One Simple Trick

The 18x8 2012 Caprice PPV steel rims, with 235-50/18 tire, are 62 lb. 12 oz.

The 18x8.5 2016 Camaro rims, with the same tire, are 50 lb. 8 oz.

That shaves 12 lb. 4 oz. off each corner for a total savings of 49 lb.

That's like adding four and a quarter horsepower!

That's as much as adding a(n) (insert snake-oil power adder here).

An unrelated benchmark is a 17x8.5 1995 Impala SS rim and 255-50/17 tire is 58 lb. 13 oz.

1 comment:

  1. Additionally a reduction in unsprung weight will generatlly have a positive impact on the handling and driving feel of the vehicle.


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