31 August 2024

1cm Itch

Periodically I go through a wave of wants for something in 10mm ACP.

It usually passes quickly, but it keeps coming back.

There's surprisingly few complete Glock 20's out there on the used market.

There's also the, much more expensive, Colt Delta Elite.

For REAL cache, the S&W 1076 is what I should want.

Probably, eventually, end up with the Glock.


  1. 10mmACP? Only in spirit. If I'm repeating myself please excuse me-the Springfield XDm 4.5" has been quite fine. Aftermarket trigger mechanisms are available but not really needed.

  2. If all you want is something to experience 10mm, the Hi-Point is cheap and can be made reliable. #1 son bought one for laughs and after replacing the ejector under warranty it shoots most 10mm loads.

  3. Except for not liking either the Hi-Point or the XDm... Personal preferences not a reflection on anyone who does like them.

    Ineffable qualities matter.

    1. Perhaps a Smith & Wesson M&P 10mm would thread the needle since IIRC you have several M&Ps already. I can understand the aesthetic desire for a 1076 though

    2. I'd forgotten about the M&P 10.

      Willard reminded me that there's RIA 1911's in 10mm that are reasonably affordable. The wind might swing that way.

  4. For whatever reason I've never been serious about buying a 10mm. It's something I probably should want, but just never have even seriously thought about.
    If I did, I'd probably build a Polymer 80 Pf45 frame and get both a 10mm and .45 ACP slide for it. It's Glock parts compatible.

    1. Polymer 80 is defunct. They shuttered just the other day.

    2. Damn. I hadn't heard that. I may have to see if I can find a few more just in case. No doubt this is due to BATFE and the Biden admin's illegal rule making.


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