06 August 2024

1LE Brakes

The 4-piston V-6 1LE brakes I have on the front of The Beast were available as a dealer-add kit.

In fact, the previous owner found the part number of the kit and ordered it for what is now my car.

He got a screaming deal on the CTS-V rear brakes.

But the 1LE calipers are red and the V calipers are gray.

Until recently this was bugging me.

I've started noticing that hardly anyone with a Camaro who did the dealer-add bothered to get the matching rear brakes.

Red on front, gray in back is the norm!


It matters a lot more on the Camaro rims than it did with the steelies.


  1. it's looking good Angus...panzer guy...sometimes i can post, sometimes i can't...not sure why...

  2. Would high temp paint work? You could make the rears red or be different and paint all 4 something original.

    1. There are several choices for color change.

      If I changed all of them, I'd shell out to powder coat in something garish, like acid green.

    2. Places like Eastwood sell powder you can do powder coating yourself.

      I have bought various powders for coating cast lead bullets. It reduces lead fouling and allows higher pressure loads without the expense of jacketing, plating or gas checks.

    3. i could do it myself, but I want it to look good.


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