06 August 2024

Ow Ow Ow

I'm saving money hand over fist doing it myself, but damn.  I got too fat to do this without hurting, maybe all the working on the car will help with the fat.

Wal Mart sells my oil in 12 quart boxes.  Like wine!

The Beast uses 8 quarts and the Equinoxes use 5.

You'd think that'd be simple, no?

Go on.  Measure out 8 quarts of oil.

Did you make a giant mess?

Well, I did!

I think I'm going to go back to buying the 5qt jug and 3 singles for The Beast and jug for 'Noxi.


  1. Just hold onto your empty 5-gal jugs and some 1-qt ones...then buy the 12-qt box and fill the jugs...

    1. Two problems with this plan.

      One, those containers get brittle after a couple of years, so I will need to buy them periodically anyway.

      Two, guess how I made the mess. Not being able to see the level except through the mouth of the container and only past the tap on the box...


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