26 August 2024

Days Since

Do you remember?

Terry Schiavo has been dead for 7088 days.  Still don't care.

Trayvon Martin has been dead for 4565 days.  Still don't care.

But I remember when those two occupied the entire news cycle.

Trayvon coverage burned me out of fucks for later minority deaths because it demonstrated a common thread.

Longtime criminal finally fucked around with the wrong person and got dead from it.

It should be noted that when the cops shoot and kill someone who didn't have it coming, I'm protesting it alongside the race baiters.

Airman Fortson deserves justice.

George Floyd...  I still think he OD'd and would be dead if the cops had just ignored the robbery call.


  1. The thing is, I can see a lot of the logic in "defund the police" when they're talking about taking away their "weapons of war." I remember the last VEISHA "riot" down in Ames---didn't you get into hot water with the JBGTs for questioning their sudden need for all sorts of toys that might come in handy if the Commies invaded, but were massive overkill against college students who'd had a little too much to drink?

    1. As a matter of fact: https://mcthag.blogspot.com/2012/09/maschinenpistole-funf.html

    2. I thought I remembered that.

  2. In re George Floyd, I've got a .pdf of the post mortem examination, if you're interested?

    1. There are no real surprises to anyone who wandered off the gentry media's plantation, but it does include the toxicology report and details Floyd's other health issues.

      Is it possible to post an attachment to the blog, or can you give me a sterile email address?


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