27 August 2024

Flawed Utility

I dug out my old 5th Gen 80gb iPod and plugged it into The Beast.

17 years and it still works, though I've replaced the battery once.

I'd taken it out of service because it had failed in The Beast with a "USB Error" message that appeared at random and wouldn't clear until the car had given up on powering the USB port in the cubby.  This is several minutes after the car is shut off.

That was 15 years of service at that point and I suspect some accumulated gurffle; so I did a complete reset on it.

A secondary goal was to get the search function on the car's radio working with THIS iPod; because it works with Marv's 1st Gen iPod Nano and Harvey's 4th Gen iPod Touch.

No joy on the search function after resetting with the Mac Pro.

So I reset it again, marrying it to Win7.

Still no joy on the search.

However, it appears to work without causing a USB error now.  Time will tell.  I seem to recall several problem free days from last time.

To get around the lack of search, I've made several playlists of artists I commonly want to hear.


Plugging an iPod into the USB port disables the ability to play music over the Bluetooth.  This is a problem because when I use the navigation on the phone, it gives me instructions via the Bluetooth connection...  I can still make and receive calls via that connection.  It's odd that it disables the Bluetooth tab in the radio for music when an iPod is plugged in, but not a thumb drive.

My phone has all the same songs as the iPod, the only advantage the iPod gives is to display the name of the song that's playing on the display in the dash.

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