07 August 2024

Drip Drip Drip

The roofing company sent the owner to check our roof out.

It was some loose shingles lifting in the wind and water that was forced under following the nails through the planking.

He glued the loose shingles back down with some tar and all is well.

This is literally the best case scenario for a leaky roof in Florida.

He didn't even charge us for this!

When asked he stated, "A little good will goes a long way."

I'd say!

He said our roof is in amazing shape for 20 years too.  That's always nice to hear.

He guesstimated about the same price another place gave us for replacing the roof too.

This small amount of good will puts him at the top of places we'd consider hiring to replace our 20-year old shingles.

The Roofing Company if you're in the area.

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