01 August 2024

I'm Not OCD

Not that I overthink things... but...

I took the passenger side door apart to rotate the speaker 90° because that's how have the one in the driver's door aligned.

I'd put the driver's speaker with the wiring facing into the cup of the basket and the passenger's with the wires facing down.

I feel more comfortable with them pointing at an empty space than just barely clearing the inner door.

All they need to do is clear at all.

1 comment:

  1. OCD and knowing a job is done right are not at odds with each other. Usually no one cares except the protagonist. For example, I did the transmission service on my VW, I know it was done right, it shifts fine and I have put about 400 miles since, yet I plan to jack it up, get it to operating temperature and check oil level one more time. Why? Just to satisfy that little tiny sliver of doubt about "was it 100% correct" when done or not. Sigh!


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