22 August 2024

Universal Serial Bus Music


Put some music on a thumb drive and tested the USB tab of the Media section of The Beast's radio.

Works fine.

The age of the system is really showing.

The drive must be formatted in FAT32.

You can have a max of 256 folders.  Folder 257 and higher don't show when you stab "browse".  I am not sure how it decides which folder is #1 and which is #256 but there we are.

You can have a max of 999 playable mp3 or wma files.  Again, I don't know how it assigns the number to the song, but songs 1,000+ will show up on the folder lists, they just won't play.

Paring things down so that everything shows takes up 5.07gb, so I didn't need the 32gb drive I found in the drawer.  An 8gb drive from the same drawer works just as well.

This silly little experiment is 99% moot because I can play Sirius and mp3's, via Bluetooth, from my phone.  The phone's stored music has no song or folder limits.  You just don't get to see what song is playing on the car's screen.


  1. i like the entune system in my tacoma...i have 2600+ songs on a 32 gig thumb plugged in...you can play by artist in alphabetical or by song title...i prefer song title so it's a mixture...tech can be handy sometimes...panzer guy...

    1. They clearly intended the USB port to be used with an iPod. My iPod has proven to be unreliable, which is likely because it's old and well used and abused.


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