29 August 2024

Breaking It Down

Technomad found this picture and said he'd watch the heck out of this anime.

I said that I'd give it a miss because I was soured by the Wehraboos and their endless attempts to redeem the Waffen SS.

We know they're SS because the Heer had stopped using black leather by the time that camo smock started being issued, to the Waffen SS... who retained the 1938 pattern all the way to the end.

He speculated that the subject could be Finnish or Hungarian based on the helmet.

Well, no.

The Finns didn't go in for camouflage patterns.  Nor did they use the 1938 pattern black leather web gear.

The finns stuck with Mosins too.  The K.98k depicted isn't Finnish kit at all.

The grenade and Panzerfaust are OK.

The Hungarians used a lot more German kit, though.  But they went their own way on the load bearing gear, using a conventional buckle instead of the clamshell style of the Germans.  They also never issued a Waffen SS camo-pattern smock.

The Hungarians kept the 1916 helmet for the most part and didn't issue camo covers for their 1938 pattern.  The one in the pic is a 40 or 42 pattern.  Probably 40 by the brow's thickness.

I built a lot of 1/35 scale tanks and made several dioramas with friends.

You get to know the subtle variations quickly because when you enter your diorama into a contest the judges spot the anachronisms right damn quick.

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