24 August 2024

Player Character Assault Flintlock

A 30-round flintlock repeater.

This is the kind of gun that a PC will have in a world that has magic and Dwarves.

With Dwarven involvement, it might even stop being fiddly and unreliable.




  1. Oh, how very cool. A repeating rifle in 1650. I can see the same or modified system to be used in a pistol. Not the Lorenzoni, which Ian also refers to as an 'inferior' system due to potentially cooking off one's powder supply. But a pistol.

    Really cool mechanism.

    And they didn't have repeating arms till the American Civil War. Right...

  2. Depends on which fantasy world, and which dwarves/dwarfs you're talking about. Warhammer Fantasy dwarfs are very conservative---they detest innovation. Dwarves in other universes (and Warhammer dwarfs who've moved out of the dwarf holds to live among other races) are more flexible.

    1. True. Warhammer is an outlier with regards to Dwarves and technological advancement.

    2. Bill Gerber (RIP) used to describe the WFRP world as "a combination of the Fourth Age of Middle-Earth, set in an analog of Renaissance Germany, with the gods of the Cthulhu Mythos off in the distance and causing trouble." Or words to that general effect. Damn, I miss him!

    3. The world has been lessened by Gerb's departure from it.


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